Thursday, 2 May 2013

Group G - Sound

Sound in Merlin is used in an effective way to reprisent class and status. For example as Merlin walks into the witches room at the beginning of the extract the sound is very eerie and creates a tense atmosphere that suggests that Merlin isn't supposed to be in the room as it is in a castle and due to his class he may not belong in the castle. This is effective as it instantly makes it clear to the audience that Merlin is in the wrong and that he doesnt seem to fit in to his surroundings, this must be due to his class.
Merlins dialogue when speaking to Arthur also helps to portray their different class and status. When Merlin addresses Arthur saying 'My lord' in a mocking tone and with a slight bow suggests that Arthur is of a higher class to Merlin and requires respect from those he is superior to.
The comic sounds of the fight between Arthur and Merlin draws a compariosn between a 'peasant' like Merlin fighting royalty like Arthur, as this would never have been able to happen in that era as the differences in status between royalty and their subjects would have been too great for a meeting like this to ever happen.
Overall this is effective as the sound is effectively used to portray class and status between Merlin and his surroundings or other characters in a subtle way to communicate with the audience.

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