Thursday, 2 May 2013

Group F - Camera (movement, framing, composition)

The sequence starts off with a pan shot which sets the scene and shows Merlin walking into a room. As the woman walks into the room, the camera holds on her which shows status as she starts conversation, we know that she's an important figure in this scene because we are still able to hear her speak as the camera is focused on Merlin. The camera then follows Merlin out of the room instead of the woman which shows the importance of Merlin. The establishing shot of the market is used to portray the difference between the rich and poor. As Arthur comes along, the camera is still focused on Merlin at the front allowing us to see his actions and emotions, this is a subversion of class as Arthur should typically have more power.

When they're fighting, there are various camera close - ups on the weapons allowing the audience to see that Arthur has more experience with using weapons which at the time would suggest that Arthur is of higher class and status to Merlin. The high shot of the fight shows power of Arthur over Merlin and also suggests that he's winning. In contrast, the low angles of Merlin on the floor as he's fighting shows that he's weaker than Arthur. The cutaway from the fight to Gaius was used to introduce Gaius and so that his later entrance makes sense,it also shows a contrast between his room compared to the woman's room in the castle which emphasises the divide between rich and poor.

The fight is stopped as Gaius later goes to the scene where the camera shows Gaius and Merlin making eye contact, which suggests that Gaius has power over Merlin because he was able to control him and stop the fight. Finally, the last shot is back in Gaius' room where the camera focuses on Merlin at the front of the shot with Gaius at the back and then changes to a shot-reverse-shot which shows Merlin's eyeline being higher than Gaius' suggesting Merlin's importance has maintained throughout.

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